Nuriye's Diary

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Hope you are all having a great week. It is time
for another video progress update so look for some sexy posing etc to hit this weekend. As for me, I am plugging away at contest prep and all is going great. I am training chest and biceps tonight and prepping myself for LEGS tomorrow. :) I will be on cam tomorrow afternoon around 2pm eastern so I hope to see you then. This weekend I need to shop for some new sexy clothing for my shoot with Muscle Angels that will take place this coming Monday and Tuesday. The great news is Andy is kind enough to use some of the content we get for this site as well so you will get to enjoy it here! :) I am going out now for my second cardio and cant wait to get the sweat flowing in the hot Florida sun. It is finally feeling like florida again and I am loving every second of it! Talk soon.....
Nuriye :)

Monday, March 22, 2010


Enjoy my latest update, "CREAM" and I hope you have a strong start of your week. Get that heart pumping, and blood flowing this week, I know I will!! :)


Thursday, March 18, 2010


Hi guys hope all is well. I am plugging through the week and I feel ok. The weather in FL has been rainy BUT we are getting sun today. Prep is going well, I am on track and taking one day at a time. Increased my cardio but what is another session at this point! LOL. Lynn and I went over my posing routine and I love it, very cute and sexy so it will be fun to perform it. I am off to gym later for chest and biceps and the good
thing about thursday is the gym is a bit less
CROWDED. Updates are coming for the weekend just been so busy I didn't get a chance to send any BUT I will get you a pic gallery and another video. :) My shoot with Muscle Angels is just a couple weeks away and I am looking forward to it. Shooting with them was one of the best shoot experiences I have had in all my years of shooting. Talk to you soon!!
Nuriye :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010


HI! Today is Sunday and my day of rest. All is going well other than the fact that I can hardly walk from my leg training on Friday! :) I will be on Herbicepscam this afternoon around 4pm eastern so I hope to stop by. Tomorrow starts another week and I am pumped to get back in the gym. It is so funny because when I first started my diet I am was holy shit this is hard and now that I see all the changes in my body I am more pumped then ever to really get shit done in the gym. I am starting to love my fish and lettuce!! LOL

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Hi! :)

Well I was sitting down having my last meal of the day and it dawned on me that I have not blogged in like a week!! To be honest this week was a blurr and seemed to go super fast. I do have several things I would love to talk about tonight. First the Arnold, what a super line up and Iris did it again. Debi Laszewski is my favorite just because I love her total package BUT Iris is a champ and her muscle is just mind blowing so congrats to ALL! :) Second, my diet is going very well and my body has changed once again which is very cool. Andy, my webmaster is away at the Arnold so just as soon as he gets home I will have an update which should be Thursday the latest. Third, MY BIRTHDAY is just days away and I will be 32!! Holy SHIT I am getting old so good thing I am getting on stage before it is too late!! LOL. Of couse I will be on HERBICEPSCAM all this week coming up since I was not able to get on last week. I hope you all are doing well and thank you for all the support. See you on cam!!


Monday, March 01, 2010


Monday is here and another week of training is about to start. Looking forward to it cause it means I am one week closer to getting on stage. Training is so intense and I love every minute of it. High reps, super sets and heavy weight what a great combo. The only thing I hate about the gym on Monday is the crowd. Where the fuck are these people on a Friday night?? LOL. I mean my gym is packed FULL on Monday I have to park like 5 miles from the gym!! Then Friday rolls around and I park right outside the gym door!! It makes me laugh! A nice long video is coming tomorrow where you get some sexy talk and posing to see how my body has changed. The Arnold Classic is just days away and although I wont be there I am so excited to watch it via web cam. I just love all the women in the line up and I wish each and every one of them the best of luck. Iris is my pick, I just dont know who can beat her, she is awesome and I LOVE IT!! :) On a totally different note it is time for me to do some shopping. I have a 2 day photo shoot coming at the end of this month with MUSCLE ANGELS so I need some new, sexy gear for that and some new gym wear. I am getting leaner and need some pants that dont show my ass when I bend over from the waist being too big. Mind you, the legs are still tight!! :)

Nuriye :)