Nuriye's Diary

Monday, November 26, 2012


Ate my last meal of boiled chicken and rice and I have such a SWEET TOOTH!!  I have no other choice but to PULL IT OUT! lol...  Making solid, lean quality gains to does include naughty food just naughty fun! :) So I am off to bed to dream of something sweet instead of eating it! Have a wonderful TUESDAY! :)


Sunday, November 25, 2012


Someone asked me why I was on webcam on a Saturday....  Why they asked, I have no clue but my answer was TO SEE ALL MY CAM FRIENDS!  I am blessed in many ways but the number one blessing is having friends that have been a fan for years.  You have watched me grow, literally lol and its like I have a bond with so many of you.   One of the things I love most about cam is joking with my close friends, sharing stories and just being me!  So thank you for being with me, some of you over a decade! Much love!!!!! :)

So here is a hint for next update...... my hunk Jason trys to take control in the first video.  The second is me showing him what happens to naughty boys who try to control this muscle queen!  Think you will have alot of FUN watching this! :)

Will be on HERBICEPSCAM all week and if you want a prvt skype show shoot me an email as well.  Have a great Monday and dont wait til New Years to make shit happen.  Start every week like it is Jan 1!!

Nuriye :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Wishing you and yours a very HAPPY and BLESSED Thanksgiving!  Enjoy the day and eat up lol then get back on track.  I am always on the run but holiday time is when I get to see friends I havent seen in forever!  Today I was able to spent time with a dear girlfriend and her new baby boy.  Wow, I was so tired after trying to catch up with him he is just over a year old and he walks faster than me.  My home is not the most child friendly place but he had fun and I think he liked watching me run after him cleaning up his messes! :)  I give moms so much credit, I will stick to cats and the gym thank you! :)  Although it was so beautiful to see such a sweet little child but had to rest after he left! LOL....   Having a house full tomorrow so have to set the tables and get the kitchen poppin.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Monday, November 19, 2012


Just trained legs and you know that walk when you look like you have a 2 by 4 up your ass??  Well, that is the way I am walking! LOL...  I mean this was one of my best leg workouts and that pump is CRAZY!!!  Guys, so many things happening my head is spinning so here the is list to look forward to...

1. New design of this site

2.  Launch of a NEW site, yes I said a NEW SITE!

3.  Starting a phone chat site, want to chat on the phone with me?

Great things to look forward to!  Crazy week ahead BUT that is the way I like it!

Nuriye :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pump and Pose

Sometimes just good old pumping and posing is just what you need and that is what you get for my next update.  I love that my pumping gives you pleasure along with that perfect mix of naughty! :)


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Cool stuff

Next update takes you on my journey to 2nd place at North Americans.  You get to see the transformation from the start to just about the end.  Blood, sweat and tears to get on stage!  Never easy to get ready for a show but you will see it is so worth it.  :)


Sunday, November 04, 2012


Bar bending clip hits this week and yes I made it look so easy in my ELMO slippers! :)  With the weight I push I show you just how strong I am in my first video of my power series.  ENJOY!


Friday, November 02, 2012


MURDERED LEGS now home, cant eat yet still have the full "throw up" feeling! LOL  The perks of being me???....... Getting a back adjustment at the gym before I trained legs!  Talk about getting the blood flowing.  Off to shower and get some food in this body!


Thursday, November 01, 2012


Life has been a bit stressful, in a good way but man I could use a massage.  When you search for greatness it can get a bit stressful! :)  From my cam, to my site and another internet co. I own (not in bodybuilding) I do find myself running at a sometimes RAPID pace. I thought I had a pulled trap but come to find out it is stress lol so need to take a couple days and chill, hit the gym and slow down a little.  I do find when I am in the "zone" I have been in it can make you lose focus on all that you do have and that is NOT the way I like to live my life.  So keeping myself in check for at least a couple days. Having killer workouts in the gym and making awesome gains while staying HARD which you know I love. I dont like that plush off season look its too NORMAL looking and that is that last thing I like to be!:)  Arms are tipping the tape at just about 18 and the veins in them look like hoses, MAN I love lean meat.  Time to hit the sheets, almost 1am here and I do need my naughty sleep.  Tomorrow leg day, time to make these tree trunks scream.. Have an awesome weekend and I will be back on cam Sat.  For my friends effected by Sandy please know you are in my prayers and I hope everyone is OK up there! 
