Nuriye's Diary

Thursday, March 31, 2011


This weekend I am taking some time to relax and SHOP!! :) Shopping for jeans, tees and shoes..... BORINGGGG no way I will be shopping at my favorite adult stores for some naughty toys and outfits. I have 3 closets packed with clothes and shoes and I think I wear about 10% of them, lol. The kind of shopping that really gets my blood flowing is for naughty things to tease my lover and YOU with. New outfits for cam to wet your naughty appetite are just a couple of things on my list of things to get! :) XOXO Nuriye

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Back at it

Well, after my win I was back in the gym that Monday getting ready to prep my body for a good placing come Novemeber. Nationals are 8 months away and I have a very specific game plan under way. Without telling my secrets :) the final outcome for Nationals will be a body that is good enough for the win although it is very rare someone wins their first Nationals. I really have no weak points so my conditioning has got to be that of a freak!! :) Offseason will be just a few months and in order to get a freaky condition for the show I must stay nice and hard off season. I really hope to meet alot of you at Nationals, I know bigger shows like that bring more people and I love it. I will be on HERBICEPSCAM tomorrow afternoon so I hope to see alot of you there! Enjoy your Saturday, it is hot and sunny here in S flo.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Here are some pics from the show, I hope you like. :) I was 180 on stage, for Nationals I must be a bit harder and dryer so we are thinking that I will be about 174 on stage. The show was so fun and I got such amazing feed back from such legends as Dexter Jackson, Dayenna Cadeau, and Darem Charles each and everyone of them loved my physique and they were just so sweet to me!! I cant wait to bring it to Nationals and the best part is it is right here in South Beach. See you on cam tomorrow!! Oh, also have to metion Tammy Jones she looked HUGE and AWESOME and guys she is just an amazing woman, saw her at my show and she is just cool as hell! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I took the overall at my show this weekend!!! :) Super tired so I will give you all the details and contest coverage in just a bit. Plan to see a freaky Nuriye at the nationals in MIA this Nov. I am coming for that pro card! :) Talk soon, need to nap...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Running on empty with just 3 days til show time. I am so tired and drained but the will to win will get me thru the next few days. Sleep is almost impossible when you are starving but I shall survive! :P I am plugging thru the day at a very slow pace, last cardio and workout today so I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. I could really use a slave today, I am cleaning my home and wondering why the hell it is so big!! LOL Taking it one floor at a time so thursday and friday i am prep myself and get the tan going on. Enjoy the weekend and i will post the outcome of this show sunday. Thank you for all the sweet messages of support you all inspire me to always get better!


Monday, March 14, 2011


I am home with all my doors and windows open jamming to some dance music! The weather is just picture perfect in Fl and I take full advantage of it. Before we know it 100 degree weather will be here and my air will be blasting. I cant believe it was time to turn the clocks forward again!! That means spring is just around the corner for all of you that had bad winter weather. :) I love that we get extra light in the evening makes me feel like getting one extra thing done. Enjoy the day!!


Monday, March 07, 2011


The start of the week is here!! Monday is just about over and 4 more work days to go, lets make them great!!! :) Got a donation in my paypal account and it was such a special suprise!! Thank you sooo much! Guys, I will be 33 on Sunday I am getting OLD!! :) I think I will get a bit more naughty with age, in a good way not like in a wierd old lady way! LOL

Nuriye ;)

Sunday, March 06, 2011

you like??

Do you like sexy talk, veiny muscle and tons of big posing?? Then the next update will make your mouth water!! :)


Saturday, March 05, 2011


One hour on the stairmill followed by a long hot shower and a foot massage, I just love my life :) Now for some food!!


Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Sun Rise

Most mornings I am up at about 5am prepping for my day. That includes prepping my food and getting my sweat on to start the day. While I sip my coffee making my schedule out for the day and how I am going to tackle it, I love to watch the sun rise. It just makes me feel like I am not missing any part of my day. Once the sun peaks its rays I am out the door to work up a lather and energize for the day ahead!!

Nuriye :)