Nuriye's Diary

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Devilish Ways

Well, Halloween is upon us and I am ready to celebrate with all of you. Not only will I be attending a party I will bring a party to HERBICEPS web cam tomorrow. I will be a devil this year and I really think I fit the part quite well. So come and celebrate with me on webcam and let me make all your devilish fantasies come true!! I will post come pics here of my outfit and I hope you all have a safe and fun halloween!! Remember, don't eat too much candy but don't forget this is a holiday to be extra naughty so GO FOR IT!!!

Until Next Time..... STAY NAUGHTY FOR ME!!!

Nuriye :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Come and get me tomorrow on HERBICEPS cam I will be there on and off all day!! Want to spend some more time there with all of you since we really have a blast there. I am back in the gym and getting back to intense training. Look for some more updates on Monday or Tuesday. Have a naughty weekend and don't do anything I wouldn't do!! LOL!

Naughty! :)

Just checking in!!

Come and see me on HERBICEPS tonight around 8:00pm eastern!! I will be waiting for you!

Nuriye :)

Friday, October 10, 2008


"Kinky Clits" is yet another hott flim to release on October 30. This is one of the several videos I have done with the one and only, Denise Masino. You can check out the cover on Muscle I am sure this video will fill your need to see the huge clits that make us girls stand out from all the rest. So make sure you snatch your copy up when it hits!!

My receovery has been going quite well and I have not yet been on HERBICEPS but will be there this weekend. I wanted to make sure I was OK enough to hit a few poses while I was on cause I am really there to show off my muscle right?? LOL :) I will also start my collection of updates this weekend. Look for them to hit sometime next week. I am sooo excited to get back to work on my site and give you all the naughty content you are looking for. I am also back in the gym although my surgery was just last Friday. Turst me I am taking it very slow with some cardio only right now but intend to get back to weights in the next several days. It is soooo hard to keep a naughty girl down. I just have to make sure I don't do too much at once which is really killing me!!

Please come and see me tomorrow starting around 6 pm eastern on

Until Next Time.... STAY NAUGHTY FOR ME!!

Nuriye :)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sooo much to tell

Well guys what can I say, just when you may have lost faith in this naughty one I am here to let you all know..... FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS!!!! See the past several months my life has been thru many twists and turns. I needed time to focus and regroup and that I have done. My site has suffered, I won't lie but the positive thing is webcam is great and I just love talking with all of you there. Now to the great news...... I have 2 new additions to my life and they come in the form of a DD cup! Yes folks this naughty girl has gotten her boobs done and I must say they are a work of art!! I feel like I should have done this YEARS ago and I am sure you will all agree! It takes my naughty level to a whole new dimension!! This was the last thing I needed to refocus and come back with a site that is packed with naughty adventures with two new twins to add to all the excitement! Now I think my image is complete and that is all I need to hit it into high speed and I am sure all of you are ready for the ride. Listen, I am still healing so my updates will come sometime next week but I will be back on HERBICEPS tomorrow to show off my goods! MEET ME THERE! Thank you for your continued support and love the feeling is sooo mutual! This fall/winter season I plan on heating things up! Trust me, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Until Next Time..... STAY NAUGHTY FOR ME!!!!

Nuriye :)