Nuriye's Diary

Saturday, October 25, 2014


One thing I have learned over the years is you must be relentless at getting what you want.  Never stop until you get it and stay humble and hungry always.  Now I took 2014 off from the stage to rest an injury and fucking GROW!  Just because I was not on the stage did not mean my eye was off the prize.  Day in, Day out in the gym sometimes in alot of pain grinding it out with one goal in mind and that is get on the stage in 2015 and look like I never have before.   I have a new coach, new game plan but the same goal.  No matter what your goal is and even if you have a minor set back DO NOT GIVE UP.  Its your life, your dream and no one can stop you from getting it except you so dont be that person.  2015 here we come baby!!

Friday, October 24, 2014


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!  Hope you can relax and get your cock wet :) and of course come see me on HERBICEPSCAM!! :)

Nuriye :)

Saturday, October 18, 2014


I always try to stay calm when dealing with "situations" but you know some times I just gotta bring out the she hulk in me to get shit done.  Today my contractor got the full out rage in me because when I have had it.... THERE IS NO MERCY.  After acting like a scared little bitch he is now out getting what he should of had in the first place to get the job done! 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hump DAY!!

Well here we are almost to Friday and what a busy week so far!  I hope all of you are doing great!  Was on cam a bit later than usual and got to see so many I dont see too often.  One special cam friend told me how much he liked my blog and that it goes deeper than just bodybuilding and that was touching to hear.  See here is the thing, I have my site to tease and entertain so many fantasies which you all know I LOVE TO DO.  But there is another side to me a humble side, a real side that deals with the same shit in life that everyone does.  So I use my blog to show that side which is just as important to me.  Something that is very dear to my heart is letting people know it is OK to be different as long as you are being YOU know one can ever take that away from you.  The muscle I wear is just a shell and I dont take it too serious but the one thing I can say is building this muscle has given me strength, courage and the confidence to just be ME!  I am so blessed to share my journey with so many of you that have been there for years so thank you!

Nuriye :)

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Like This

"If you're gonna put all this time and energy into something, why not be the best at your craft?"  I love this quote and it sums what why I work so hard and why I am relentless on getting BETTER!   Much love to all my sweeties!

Nuriye :)

Sunday, October 05, 2014


I get emails often asking me if they will indeed stop all FBB competitions and the answer is I dont know.  This is what I do know 2014 had more shows for FBB and I have talked to sponsors that intend to add more shows in 2015.  I dont pay attention to the rumors I pay attention to the facts so having said that I dont think we are going any where at this time.  Many think FBB is too "manly" this is why physique came on to the scene.  I did my own social research and followed some top physique girls on social media and what did I find....??  The same silly comments about these 125 lb girls, "you are manly", "that is gross" lol.  See this is the reality as long as there are insecure, close minded people in the world who have no idea what it is like to control what they put in their bodies there will ALWAYS be negative comments about women who do no matter how big or small their muscle is.  I dont sweat it in fact I find it quite amusing and it shows just how powerful I am compared to the "normal folk"! :)  So lets stay positive and continue to love the sport people love to hate lol.. 

Nuriye :)

Thursday, October 02, 2014


Our bodies are the ONE thing in life we can control yet I feel its the ONE thing many cant control.  Change this pattern today if you or someone you know wants to change but is scared or think they cant do it YOU ARE WRONG.  The is no right time to start, JUST START!  No one is perfect love yourself and know that you deserve the best you, the you that is comfotable in your own skin!  We only get 1 shot at this life stop second guessing yourself! :)

Chest and Biceps coming right up for me!!

Nuriye :)