Nuriye's Diary

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Many ask me if I have a limit to my growth and the answer is NO!  I have never had a number to shoot for like for example biceps...  If I had a 17 inch goal I would have stopped a while ago and would not have the pleasure of seeing 18 inches today!  I train for the love of training and NEVER put a limit on my growth.  Shit, this is bodybuilding after all!!!

Nuriye :)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

My life

I love to live my life my way and that includes how I look.  3 words I live by... BIGGER, HARDER and STRONGER.  While so many are downsizing I am more proud to be a FBB than ever.  Be true to who you are and never settle to please someone else!
Nuriye :)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Strong Week!!

Wishing all of you a strong week!! 

Nuriye :)

Monday, June 01, 2015


Wanted to give a huge congrats to Lisa Cross for her win this weekend.  I have never met her but I can still say WELL DONE!!  Lisa brought her best condition to the stage and I know she must be so happy and proud.  Lots of muscle was on that stage and it was great to see some of the best in the world show off all their hard work.  Hats off to all who did the Omaha this past weekend!! 
