Thursday, September 01, 2011


People who are very close to you will tell you I can be at times quiet and like to sit back and watch peoples behavior. That is one of the things as I do my cardio at my gym. I do one hour on the stairmill and while I am high on the stairs I like to watch people as they train or not train. Everyone is seeking a personal goal when they enter the gym but I would say a very small amount of people actually do what it takes to achieve it. As I do my cardio I watch people on their phones or talking to eachother for a very long time. It really makes me laugh inside of just how weak a majority of peoples minds are. Then we have the "cardio" people. I watch as people jump on the cardio equipment and go at top speeds for the total time of like 6 minutes and trust me it is 6 mins I time them i have nothing else to do while I am killing myself on the stairs. LOL.. As I reflect on peoples lack of drive and motivation it makes me love what I do even more. I am no better then anyone else BUT bodybuilding has given me the mind set to achieve even the most extreme goals. So while people want to stare and whisper at me while I am in the gym, I have one thing to say to that....... KEEP looking cause while they are chasing their tail I am getting shit done!! :)



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