Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Have you ever noticed that the "mediocre" is so much more acceptable then being extreme? :)  Makes me really laugh when I see some random chick with maybe a 4 pack and nothing else being called jacked, ripped and even shredded and then I see a FBB who is all those terms that wrongly describe Ms Mediocre and she is called too much.  Humans, unless extreme themselves in some way would feel much more "safe" in a world of medoicre and to me that is just damn sad.  Now for me, I have had extreme qualities way before I started lifting and now I just get to show it on the outside as well.  This is why I love my fans, you say go extreme or go home and I love it!! :)



Blogger Unknown said...

I couldn't agree more. There are so few people in the world who have that uncompromising drive to follow their dream. This is one of the many qualities I love about women who are bodybuilders. It doesn't matter what other people think, or what box you're supposed to fit into. There is so much more to admire about a woman who will go to the extreme, and stand apart from the mediocre mainstream.

3:49 PM  

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