If you are blocked from my herbicepscam and don't know why neither do I lol.. No, there is a problem but they are working on it. Please email me if you are blocked I have unblocked about 60 loyal cam friends but if I missed you let me know. They are still working the new site out and have assured me all will be fixed very soon. So please just let me know if you cant get in my room and I will go in and fix it.
Hey Just A newqbie to yiur Blog lovin yuur stuff .. Yiur hot, raw ands pumped love it been a hugeFBB fan since the 1980s yepp seen a lot but yur up their ..Now herbiceps have up dated their site i am sure yiu know ??..with me being a user not a gal on their all i can say its a lot better awsomne Features now .. but they are working on the change over from old to new .. their Is a help/desk usually On the live cam as yiu log in so go with the flow..Hope it helps Tc uk..XXXXlotsa&hugs
I used to talk to you a lot on there Nuriye but for the past few years I haven't had a computer just my phone and it doesn't support the plug in. My username was AWR7214. But as soon as I get another PC or laptop I'll be back on there. Keep on keeping it real and do what you do best. Your practically my favorite. :-)
I am blocked currently as of Mar 10 2017, have been for almost 3 weeks I think.
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